Sunday, 3 January 2016

Hello 2016...

It's another year and with that comes a new set of hopes, ambitions and resolutions. 2016 has just started and when a new year starts many people see it as a fresh start, a clean slate. I recently posted my goodbye 2015 post - you can read that here if you like - and todays post is all abut what I'd like from this year, a goals and resolutions post if you like.

I briefly explained in my goodbye 2015 post that last year was stressful for me so my main goal is to be happier, as a nation I think we often forget that happiness is an emotion and we won't always be happy but my aim is to enjoy life a bit more, worry/stress less. It's in my nature to worry and overthink things and I often can't help it but I'm going to try not to.

This year I would really love to go to Disneyland Paris and Paris in fact I'd love to travel, I have a massive fear of flying but I would love to go more places. Disneyland has been a dream of mine for as long as I remember, I loved Disney so much when I was a kid and my love for it has stayed with me. My sister an I have big birthdays this year and we plan to go together as a treat - if all goes to plan!

Saving is something else I'd love to get better at this year I say it every year but I really need to get better at saving and managing money. I am a serial spender and shopper even when I have something I should be saving for I just have a talent for spending money but this year I really hope to become better at saving. Another goal for this year is to completely de-clutter my life. I am a extremely messy person and I'm quite the hoarder, my room always looks like a bombsite and my clothes tend to live on my floordrobe. This year I need a brutal clear out, well they do say a tidy spaces equals a tidy mind.

Overall though my main goal is to have another wonderful year with the ones I love around me creating more amazing memories with my friend and family. What are your hopes and goals for the year?


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