Friday, 15 May 2015

Let's Bake | Lemon Drizzle Cake

What you need:
2 Lemons 
3 Eggs
A tea spoon of Baking Powder
8oz of icing sugar
8oz of caster sugar
8oz of butter
8oz of self raising flour 

A couple of weeks ago you might have seen a tasty looking lemon drizzle cake pop up on my Instagram- you can follow me at @terriswan if you don't already. My sister and I set about making the cake to find our scales where a bit rubbish -must invest in better scales- so we had to adapt the amount into onuses, thank you Google!

Here's what we did:

Start by preheating your oven to 180 degrees then grate the zest of two lemons and add it to a bowl with the flour, caster sugar, butter, egg and baking powder. 

We then mixed the ingredients together and placed the mix into a loaf/cake tin, make sure to pre-grease the tin before putting in the ingredients. 

Leave in the oven to cook this will take around 40 minutes, however tempting don't open the oven door! If your unsure if the cake is cooked or not you can put a knife through the middle of it comes out clear then it ready and I it comes out with cake mix on it then it needs longer in the oven. 

While the cake is cooking you can get your icing ready to do this all you need to do it mix the icing sugar and the juice of two lemons together. 

Once the cake is ready take a knife and poke little holes into the cake then pour your icing over the cake. You can do this when it's still warm or once it's cooked, I done it while it was still warm so the icing would infuse the inside of the cake. I then let the cake cool and put a little lemon zest on the top then it was ready to eat. It really is that easy and it tastes delicious, the perfect spring cake!



  1. This looks delicious! I absolutely adore lemon drizzle cake but it's something that I never think to make, but when I do, boy is it good! I think I may need to get my bake on soon and give this recipe a bash! :)
    Nicole xx / Life in Ginger

    1. It was delicious, I don't know why I didn't bake one sooner. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment :) xx


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