Sunday, 22 March 2015

Do We Share Too Much Online

This sounds strange coming from a blogger who posts online every other day for anyone to see but do we share too much online? We live in a world now where people post every part of their lives on social media we all know that one girl who cryptically posts statuses about her break-up or posts about every second of her pregnancy, the hung-over 'I'm never drinking again' statuses and the look what cool thing I'm up to now posts. Social media plays a key part in our daily life now and in some aspects it's great you can easily and quickly get news from around the world, keep in contact with friends and loved ones and keep an online diary of everything you've been up to but sometimes we share too much. I find Facebook is the worst for over sharing some people will post everything for everyone to see and it's scary.

Especially now when you can become an online 'celebrity' from posting a silly vine, things travel so fast online and once it's out there it's hard to get back sure you can delete the posts/photos but once it's seen it's seen you're no longer in control. Think before you tweet do you really want everyone to know what you're about to tell them remember some things are best kept private, most of the people who are reading your comments on you break-up statues are doing it for entertainment not everyone on your Facebook friends list are your actual friends. These days people take to social media to tell everything and in some aspects I think it's replaced real life communication with more and more people using social media to announce things and send out invites and so on.

Sharing online is part of our life now and social media sites aren't going anywhere, they'll probably be around for ever but we can control how much we give away. Don't get me wrong I love Twitter, I'm hooked on Instagram and I love blogging but I don't want to share every single aspect of my life on the internet, I like to keep something's to myself and live a life outside of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I definitely think there is such a thing as 'over sharing' when it comes to social media in particular. The fact that it is so easy to pick up your phone and send a tweet, I mean it takes a matter of seconds, means that sometimes people can be too quick to share every detail of their lives. Personally, while I do have social media and use it regularly, I try and keep the majority of my life to myself and off the internet. It actually makes me want to unfollow people when they post too often, particularly when it's all self promotion. I definitely think there is a line, and a balance, on what you should post and how often you should post. I love social media and sharing snippets of my life, but they are only snippets and there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes that people just don't need to know about :) It does sound strange as a blogger to say that though, doesn't it? Loved this post!
    Nicole xx
    Life in Ginger


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