Tuesday, 10 March 2015

FOMO is a thing


My nan use to always say I had FOMO when I was a kid, I'd always want to know what was going on and be part of it and now that I'm older I'm completely aware of it, I really do have FOMO. 
Fear of missing out or FOMO is a thing it's basically the fear of missing out on something exciting or interesting like an event going on elsewhere. I think social media has a key part into why lots of people get FOMO as now a days you can scroll through Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and see lots of awesome things going on like festivals, holidays and events that you're not part of and a little part of you thinks 'why is my life not like that?' We forget that what we see on social media is edited and we see only the good bits, what they want us to see. 

We're all guilty of going 'I wish that was me' or 'ugh why can't my life be that awesome' I know I certainly am. No one wants to be left out when something good is happening. When it comes to dealing with FOMO remember to not get caught up in social media sure be curious but don't be jealous, remember what we see is edited down to photo or a quick post.  All our lives go through 'boring' patches at times so don't beat yourself up because you're not traveling Australia. Be thankful for what you are doing and the things you have been planning and let it inspire you to do the things you really want to do. 

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