Thursday, 16 April 2015

A Picnic In The Park

Spring sprung into step last week with super sunny warm days for most of the day queue me panicking that I have no spring/summer clothes and raiding my wardrobe for something that isn't black! I found an old pastel mint floaty top from Topshop and my chunky black sandals from New Look so that I looked sort of spring like. On my day off my sister and I decided to pop into town for a look around and go to the park for a little picnic and it was lovely.  The sun was shining, it was warm and we were armed with Marks and Spencer's goodies.

We sat down eager to delve into our treats when out of no where our grandparents dog came bounding over full of excitement to see us so we had a chat with our Papa for a bit and a very excited mad dog running circle around us before we could finally tuck into our sandwiches, we also got a yummy piece of Victoria sponge cake each. The park was looking so nice, filled with dog walkers and people taking in the sun, there were lots of daffodils and the view of the river is always gorgeous. It was such a gorgeous afternoon!



  1. How gorgeous! All those yellow daffodils!!xxxx

    1. I know it's such a lovely walk round that park especially by the river, it looks gorgeous in spring. Thanks for reading my blog xx


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