Friday 9 January 2015

Are We Missing The Moment?

We are so obsessed with capturing the moment that we are missing it. Can you remember a time when people watched the sunrise rather than capture it through their phone, a time when people went to gigs for the music instead of watching it through their phone as they record the entire set? For god sake people just eat the food, don't let it go cold so you can get the perfect Instagram photo. We're all guilty of missing the moment in favour of capturing it on our phones and using it for likes on an Instagram photo. 
How many of us have felt awkward, left out or uncomfortable when we meet up with our friends, family or loved ones and they spend the whole time on their phone. Yet we're all guilty of doing it just 'quickly' checking Twitter or Instagram rather than focusing on what's going on around us. I'm guilty of it too Im a self confessed phone addict and can spend hour scrolling through tweets and photos on Instagram, even writing this blog post it's about time we put down the phones and enjoyed the company around us. 

We live in a world where we place our values on likes and delete an update if it doesn't get enough. Social media shows us at our best and we compare others best to our worst. We don't see the boring things, we see photos of a person who's off traveling the world, having an amazing time and we compare it to our 'boring' life but we don't see the long boring journeys between places or the countless things they might have missed out on to save for the trip. People rarely post about the hard times, the sad times or the boring times we post about the fun things were doing, when things are going our way and were having a brilliant time. 

Don't hate on your life because you aren't off traveling the world, spending lots of money on new clothes or the latest gadgets just because someone seems like they are having the perfect life doesn't mean they are, it's just what they've chosen to let you see. Focus your energy into you having a great life and fun. 

Now I'm not saying avoid Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or the likes, I'm not saying don't take videos or photographs. What I'm saying is put down the phones for a bit, sure take a photo for Instagram or to keep as a memory but look past the screen and see it with your own eyes. Don't compete with the whole of Facebook and Twitter, don't compare your life to what you see others doing on social media. 




  1. Such a honest post you have here. I can def relate to this, a lot of times when I hang out with my girlfriends, I feel like we're not really hanging out. Why? Because we play with our phones most of the time, we can't even talk for an hour without looking at our phones. It's saddening. I have changed, I can leave my house without a phone in my hand, it's just crazy that people these days care more about their lives on social media than their "real" life..
    Inspiring post <3


    1. Thank you so much for commenting :) I wasn't sure how this post would come across on my blog. I'm 100% guilty of it too but I'm trying to put my phone down more and look past the screen and enjoy life. xx

  2. I decided to make a point of not bringing my phone out during any time I'm having a meal, drinks or just a genuinely good time with other people ever since a friend spent our entire night out fiddling about with my phone. She was even playing pool on an app when there was a real life pool table behind us. I love my phone and social media but I can't stand staring at the top of someone's head while they're mucking about on their phone when I'm trying to have a conversation with them.

    Raise The Waves

    1. I think when you decided to not bring your phone out that's when you realise how much you reach for it! It's crazy! I try not to go on my phone when I'm with people. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. I love my phone and checking social media but always try to avoid using phone when I'm out especially if its just 2 of us. Hate it when you're with people and they spend all night on their phone - as you say people need to enjoy the moment.


    1. Me too, I not try to reach for my phone when I'm out with people because I know how awkward it feels when everyone's on their phone while you trying to talk or so something. It's crazy how much things have changed in just a few years and how big a part social media plays in our day to day lives. Thanks for commenting and stopping by my blog.


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